Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1 year Professional Pictures

If you haven't figured it out already... Nellie is One!
We took her to get her pictures, she had fallen asleep in the car, because the place is an hour away.  It took her a long time to wake up.  She didn't want to smile for a long time.

She is kind of a serious baby most of the time anyway.. but these pictures make me laugh!

Nellie's Cake and Presents

Happy Birthday Nellie!
1 is so FUN!!!

This is the cake that Nellie got to 'eat'!

The kids were so excited to watch her eat it / destroy it!

Helena kept blowing out the candle, that was so much fun for her!

It took Nellie a while to get the idea that she could touch the cake. 

The kids all watched and waited for Nellie to dig in. 

First a little taste....

Then a good rubbing...

She wasn't so sure about this!

She doesn't like to be dirty.

The kids were doing their best to distract her from being dirty. 
Here she is doing "SO BIG" with the kids.

She wanted out of the chair, we though maybe she doesn't like white cake and vanilla frosting.

We added a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (the family birthday cake) to the top of her cake to see if she would like it better.   After a minute or two, we realized her hands and face were red and puffing up.  I don't know what is in the frosting that she would be allergic to.  The cake mess was over, we had to wash her up.  She got a nice bath in the sink and was all better within 30 minutes.

After he bath we did presents.  She is a pro at opening presents.  Christmas was a great practice round for her.  Her siblings were very good at starting them for her and she would finish unwrapping them.

She doesn't like to look at the camera.

She had just opened the bear and wanted it out of the box RIGHT NOW!

She got a few other things.. balls, Whinnie the Pooh, some bath toys...

Sophia loved putting all the bows on Nellie.
She had a great time with her presents.
1 is so FUN!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Nellie Sue turns 1!

Her real name is Nellie Elizabeth, but somehow we started calling her Nellie Sue.  We have Phia foo, Helena Lue, and Nellie Sue.  It just seemed to fit.  Plus I liked Nellie Sue, in honor of my late Aunt Sue! She is a special lady and I liked the idea of my Nellie, named after my Grandma DeVroom (Sue's Mother), being a name sake for both of them!  I am not going to change it legally, but it may stick.  Who knows!

 She has gotten so big.  She is so active and fun these days!  She has a funny curl to her hair, gives her a nice Mohawk look most of the time.  When her hair is wet it is curly, but when it drys it is just crazy!

 See.. you can see the crazy hair a bit better in this picture!

 She doesn't hold still for very long.  She is up and on the move pretty quickly.  She isn't walking yet, but can take a step or two.  The most she has taken yet is 5 at one time.

She can do a few tricks:  She can do La La La with her tongue, which she thinks is very funny.  She can also smack her lips, which is always good for a laugh! 

She can do sign language for more. 
She can clap, wave hello or goodbye and do "so big" and put her hands above her head.
She can also fold her arms for the prayer (which is really cute!).

Last but not least, Helena really wanted to help Nellie have her pictures with the moose.    You wouldn't believe how exciting it is!  Such cute girls!  They are 19 months apart, but so cute with each other.  There is only 3 lbs between them and about 3 inches.  They are great pals for each other!

Stats for Nellie:
She has 8 teeth. She is wearing size 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, size 4 shoes (when she will keep them on), she weighs 21 lbs (46%) and is 29.75 inches (66%).  Her head circumference is 47.5 cm (96%).  Overall she is in the 48% for babies her age. 
She isn't saying much.  She doesn't say mama or dada yet.  She says "no" and "Wow" really well.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Random days with Nellie!

 James has been working with the birds to get them tame enough to hold them.  Nellie loves them but is a little rough with them.   If she gets a hold of them she squeezes them.  She loves the birds.

Nellie's first Christmas
She loved to open the presents.  She mostly liked the excitement that the kids had for everything.  She would clap and tear paper and had a great time.
Nellie took her first steps on Christmas day.  She took 3 steps.  She has been able to stand without holding on to things for a while, but her first steps have taken a bit more time.  She is getting so big!

I don't have a picture of the last one but today (1/07/2012) at dinner we went to have prayer for dinner and she folded her arms for the prayer.  I thought it was just a fluke, but then again tonight for family prayer and during family home evening when we had the prayer she folded her arms for the prayer.  She is copying the other kids, but she is doing it much earlier than I remember the other kids doing it.  She is almost 1... and oh so much fun!  We love her so much!

11 Months - Dec 13

 I love this girl!  She is getting so big!
 This picture is a bit fuzzy but it shows her cute teeth.  We were looking at Daniel's book and he had the exact same teeth at 11 months.  4 on top, 3 on bottom.  So cute!

 She is so smiley!